Judicialized health, the spirit of constitutionalism, and politics of labor in South Africa | Güney Afrika’da sağlığın hukukileştirilmesi, anayasacılık ruhu ve emek politikaları
Konuşmacı | Speaker: Prof. Kaushik Sunder RajanModerasyon | Moderation: Assoc. Prof. Z. Umut Türem
Kürasyon | Curation: Dr. Duygu Kaşdoğan & Doç. Dr. Ebru Yetişkin
The first event of 2019 STS Talks opens a conversation over the judicialization of health in South Africa. The “judicialization of health”, as conceptually developed by Joao Biehl and Adriana Petryna, speaks to ways in which demands concerning health have been made through the law, especially in global Southern contexts. In this talk, Sunder Rajan will discuss how judicial interventions in such cases are animated by creative interpretations of foundational constitutional principles.
Sunder Rajan shows that judicial interventions speak to universalizing imaginaries o...