Friday, September 13

Month: September 2019

Democratisation of Technological Culture | Teknolojik Kültürün Demokratikleştirilmesi

Democratisation of Technological Culture | Teknolojik Kültürün Demokratikleştirilmesi

Konuşmacı | Speaker: Prof. Dr. Wiebe Bijker Moderasyon | Moderation: Prof. Dr. Hacer Ansal Kürasyon | Curation: Dr. Duygu Kaşdoğan &  Doç. Dr. Ebru Yetişkin How does technology shape our democracies? Some would argue that technologies emancipate people because technologies help to cope with problems and they provide access to new resources. Others are afraid that the algorithms of Facebook and Google threaten our democracies. Can we, vice versa, shape our technologies democratically or is their development dictated by physics and economics? How can societies take control over research and innovation to serve their own developmental and democratic agendas? Which conditions make such self-rule possible? This talk explores ...
STS Muhabbetleri | STS Talks