Murat Ergin
*EN | TR
Murat Ergin is associate professor of Sociology at Koç University, Istanbul. He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis in 2005. His research areas are culture, nationalism, race, ethnicity, crime and deviance, cultural consumption, and death. His research interests revolve broadly around the formation of cultural boundaries and identities. He contributed to the special issue of the journal of Toplum ve Bilim on science and technology studies with the article “Eugenics As a ‘Modern’ Technology and Genetic Sciences in the Twenty-First Century.”
Murat Ergin, Koç Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümünde doçent olarak çalışmaktadır. Doktorasını Minnesota Üniversitesinden 2005 yılında almıştır. Kültür, milliyetçilik, ırk-etnisite, suç ve sapma, kü...