Friday, January 17

Month: June 2020

Murat Ergin

Murat Ergin

*EN | TR Murat Ergin is associate professor of Sociology at Koç University, Istanbul. He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis in 2005. His research areas are culture, nationalism, race, ethnicity, crime and deviance, cultural consumption, and death. His research interests revolve broadly around the formation of cultural boundaries and identities. He contributed to the special issue of the journal of Toplum ve Bilim on science and technology studies with the article “Eugenics As a ‘Modern’ Technology and Genetic Sciences in the Twenty-First Century.” Murat Ergin, Koç Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümünde doçent olarak çalışmaktadır. Doktorasını Minnesota Üniversitesinden 2005 yılında almıştır. Kültür, milliyetçilik, ırk-etnisite, suç ve sapma, kü...
Onur Arslan

Onur Arslan

*EN | TR Onur Arslan is a PhD candidate at UC Davis, in the anthropology department. He graduated from Istanbul University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations in 2012. He received his MA degree in Philosophy and Social Thought program at Istanbul Bilgi University. He is interested in exploring the ways in which technoscientific practices and arrangements shape power relations. He currently writes on counter-terrorism, digital forensics, evidence-making, and preparedness. Istanbulab Footprints... He contributed to the special issue of the journal of Toplum ve Bilim on science and technology studies with an article “Science of Uncertainty: Expected Istanbul Earthquake and Epistemic Communities.” He conducted an interview with anthropologist, Mar...
Özgür Narin

Özgür Narin

*EN | TR Özgür Narin is Associate Professor of Economics at Ordu University.  He graduated from the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University. He completed his Ph.D. in Development Economics Department of Marmara University. He studied the capitalist production of Science and Technology, particularly innovation and the changing scientific labour process. As a visiting scholar at New York University, he studied on changing labour processes under crisis and technological development. Some of his past works address the transformation of the higher education system, the transformation of mental labour, and the history of workers’ management in Turkey. You can see some of his articles (mostly in Turkish) here:
Toplum ve Bilim Özel STS Sayısı

Toplum ve Bilim Özel STS Sayısı

Istanbulab olarak çıkarttığımız 'Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum' özel sayısının Türkiye'de STS alanında araştırma yapan ya da alanı tanımak isteyenler için faydalı olmasını umuyoruz. Daha detaylı bilgiye ve dergide yer alan makalelelerin İngilizce özetlerine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Yayınlar | Publications
STS in the World

STS in the World

*EN This page provides a list of selected STS organizations, programs, and journals. You may reach further resources related to STS research, training, and professional development through the websites of these organizations. ORGANIZATIONS 4S — Society for Social Studies of Science The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) is an international, nonprofit scholarly society founded in 1975. 4S fosters interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine (a field often referred to as STS). EASST — European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Established in 1981 it is the organization which represents academics and researchers in the fields of science and technology studies, the socia...
STS Kaynakları | STS Resources
Türkiye’de STS | STS in Turkey

Türkiye’de STS | STS in Turkey

** TR & EN Bu sayfada Türkiye’de STS ile ilişkili yüksek öğrenim programları, Türkçe’ye çevrilmiş STS yaynlarından bir seçki ve diğer ilgili kaynaklar sunulmaktadır. This page provides a list of selected STS-related higher education programs in Turkey,  STS texts translated into Turkish, and other related resources. PROGRAMS | PROGRAMLAR Ankara University – Science and Society Studies | Ankara Üniversitesi - Bilim ve Toplum Çalışmaları Bilkent University, Faculty of Engineering  –  Science Technology and Society | Bilkent Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi – Bilim Teknoloji ve Toplum  Işık University – Science, Technology and Society Branch |Işık Üniversitesi - Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum Dalı (Closed in Summer 2018) İstanbul Technical Uni...
STS Kaynakları | STS Resources
Taçlı Virüsün Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Okumaları | Historical and Social Reflections on Coronavirus

Taçlı Virüsün Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Okumaları | Historical and Social Reflections on Coronavirus

Konuşmacı | Speaker: Fatih Artvinli Moderasyon | Moderation: Mehmet Ekinci Kürasyon | Curation: Dr. Duygu Kaşdoğan &  Doç. Dr. Ebru Yetişkin İsmini taç biçiminden alan korona virüs (COVID-19) salgını yaşanırken düzenlenen bu etkinlikte Fatih Artvinli, Mehmet Ekinci ve Ebru Yetişkin Salgınların Toplumsal ve Ruhsal Tarihi’ni konuştu. Farklı yüzyıllarda farklı coğrafyalarda ve farklı nedenlerle ortaya çıkan ve dünyayı etkisi altına alan salgınların tıp ve toplumla ilişkisi tarihsel ve sanatsal bir perspektifte tartışıldı.  Bu etkinliğin genel çerçevesini oluşturan sorular şunlar:  Salgınların gündelik hayat ve insanlar üzerindeki etkisi ile salgınlar sırasında açığa çıkan toplumsal ve ruhsa...
STS Muhabbetleri | STS Talks
Öznur Karakaş

Öznur Karakaş

*EN | TR Öznur Karakaş completed her undergraduate studies in Boğaziçi University, Department of Translation Studies in 2006. She has master degrees in philosophy in Galatasaray University and in Europhilosophie Master Erasmus Mundus program specialized in contemporary French and German philosophy (University of Toulouse- II Jean Jaures and Prague Charles University). She wrote two master thesis firstly on the dialectics of nature-culture in the Hegelian philosophy and secondly on the concept of sexual difference in the thought of Deleuze. In 2018, she defended her PHD dissertation on a reading of the Gezi Movement as part of the Deleuze-Guattarian concept of agencement and body politics, and graduated from the Open University of Catalunia (UOC), Department of Information and Knowledge...
4S Exhibition: An Archeology of STS in Turkey

4S Exhibition: An Archeology of STS in Turkey

Duygu Kaşdoğan, Ebru Yetişkin and Maral Erol curated an exhibition entitled “An Archaeology of STS in Turkey” for the 4S 2018 meeting in Sydney. The exhibit focused on the intellectual and institutional trajectory of STS in Turkey. As a field of study, critical STS is relatively new in Turkey, starting with the establishment of the STS MA program at Istanbul Technical University in 2000. However, interest in discussing science and technology among social scientists in Turkey predated that, particularly in the form of policy studies that is exemplified in the graduate program of Science and Technology Policy Studies at the Middle East Technical University. An Archeology of STS in Turkey: Archives, Universities, and Collective Culture aim...
Yayınlar | Publications